Lennart Purucker joins our group as a PhD student for research on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)

We welcome Lennart Purucker as a new full-time Ph.D. student at the Intelligent Systems Group at the University of Siegen. Before joining our group, Lennart finished his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. He completed his bachelor’s degree in a dual study program at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) Stuttgart. Lennart Read more…

Teresa Scheidt receives the best-paper award for her work on time-dependent recommender-systems evaluation

Our visiting student Teresa Scheidt received the best-paper award at the Perspectives Workshop at the ACM Recommender Systems Conference 2021 in Amsterdam. Teresa is doing her Master’s at Lund University in Sweden but visited us here at the University of Siegen over the summer for a 3-months research internship. In Read more…

Prof. Beel moderates the discussion group “Best practices in Scientific Publishing” at the DAAD IFI Meeting

On 8 October 2021, the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD) organises the ‘IFI Netzwerktreffen’. I am invited to moderate a group discussion about the topic “Best practices in Scientific Publishing”. I am looking forward to many participants and productive discussions. Agenda Eröffnung und GrußwortDr. Birgit Klüsener Read more…

“Recommended by Algorithms”: Our research is featured in the ‘future’ magazine

The ‘future’ magazine of the University of Siegen reported about our research, particularly about our automated algorithm selection for recommender systems. We‘re used to streaming services suggesting new series we might like. News sites recommend articles that could interest us. Facebook shows us contacts we might know. Almost every larger Read more…

Prof. Beel diskutiert auf der GAIN Jahrestagung: Karrieremöglichkeiten für Doktoranden und PostDocs

Auf Einladung des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) nehme ich am 25. August bei einer Panel-Diskussion auf der GAIN Jahrestagung teil. Ich freue mich dort u.a. neben Prof. Dr. Wolfram Ressel (Rektor der Universität Stuttgart) und Prof. Dr. Andreas Zaby (Präsident der HWR Berlin) einen kurzen Vortrag zu halten, und dann Read more…

2 x Postdoctoral Researcher or Ph.D. Position in AutoML and/or Recommender Systems

— Applications Closed — Visit https://isg.beel.org/jobs/ for latest openings — Our group — the Intelligent Systems Group at the University of Siegen in Germany — recently acquired a €1.25m research grant. Therefore, we have 2 open positions for either postdoctoral researchers or PhD students. Your field of research generally would be very flexible (there Read more…

20 x 2-year PostDoc ‘STAR’ fellowships at the University of Siegen (EU Marie Curie)

The University of Siegen has secured funding for 20 x 2-year ‘STAR’ postdoc fellowships. Funding comes from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020) for implementing Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoc fellowships. The ‘STAR’ fellowships allow you to independently conduct your own research project, embedded in an existing research Read more…

Recommender-Systems.com: A Central Platform for the Recommender-System Community [Pre-Print]

Abstract We introduce Recommender-Systems.com (RS_c) as a central platform for the recommender-systems community. RS_c provides regular news on important events in the community as well as curated lists of recommender-system resources including datasets, algorithms, jobs, software, and learning materials. Based on a survey with 28 participants – mostly authors at Read more…

Synthetic vs. Real Reference Strings for Citation Parsing, and the Importance of Re-training and Out-Of-Sample Data for Meaningful Evaluations: Experiments with GROBID, GIANT and CORA [pre-print]

ABSTRACT Citation parsing, particularly with deep neural networks, suffers from a lack of training data as available datasets typically contain only a few thousand training instances. Manually labelling citation strings is very time-consuming, hence synthetically created training data could be a solution. However, as of now, it is unknown if Read more…

Recommender-Systems.com: The Central Platform for the Recommender Systems Community? A Beta-Preview and Survey.

For beginners in recommender systems, it is difficult to get an overview of the state-of-the-art, the most relevant venues, and helpful tools and datasets. Similarly, experts in recommender-systems may find it difficult to keep up to date with the latest developments as relevant publications and news are often scattered across Read more…

3 Well-Funded PhD & Postdoc Positions, up to 5 Years at the University of Siegen (Germany): AutoML, Algorithm Selection, Recommender-Systems …

Closed — for the latest job offerings, please visit our Jobs page We received a €1.25m research grant from the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia that allows us to hire 3 PhD students, postdoctoral researchers or research fellows in the fields of Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), Automated Algorithm Selection and Read more…

Edward Bergman joins our group as a D-REAL PhD student for research on automated algorithm selection in Information Retrieval (AutoIR), Recommender Systems (AutoRecSys) and Machine Learning (AutoML)

We welcome Edward Bergman as a new full-time PhD student here at the School of Computer Science and Statistics in Trinity College Dublin, funded through the new D-REAL SFI Centre for Research Training (CRT) and supported by the ADAPT Centre. Edward has completed a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in Read more…