These are our currently offered lectures, seminars and project groups

Machine Learning Implementations [Praktikum]

Im Rahmen dieses Praktikums (4 SWS; Unisono 43ISG1505V) implementieren Studenten Algorithmen des Maschinellen Lernens. Ziel ist es beispielsweise, existierende State-of-the-Art Algorithmen zu re-implementieren und eine Reproduciblity-Study durchzuführen. Alternativ kann das Ziel sein, Implementationen bestimmter Algorithmen verschiedener Software-Bibliotheken miteinander zu vergleichen. In jedem Fall erhalten Studenten einen tiefen Einblick in die Funktionsweise und Implementierung von State-of-the-Art...

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Introduction to Machine Learning [Lecture & Lab]

I will not offer this lecture in the winter term 2024/25. You should attend the lecture in summer 2024; summer 2025 or winter 2025/26. The exam for those who failed a previous exam is offered in winter 24/25. Please note that all lecture material and videos from previous years are available on Moodle. Hence, feel...

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Recommender Systems [Lecture & Lab]

I will not offer this lecture in the Winter Term 24/25. You would have to take the lecture in winter 23/24; or winter 25/26. For more details see 

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Introduction to Complex & Intelligent Software Systems [Lecture & Lab]

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Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) [Project Group]

You will join the working group of Prof. Beel and his Ph.D. students. You will either work on your own dedicated automated machine-learning project (together with other students), or on an existing project in our group (with our Ph.D. students). You will join brainstorming sessions, create concepts and research plans, execute and analyse your research...

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Drone / eMTB / Machine-Learning Competition [Seminar]

I will not offer this lecture in the Winter Term 24/25. You would have to take the lecture in winter 23/24; winter 25/26 or maybe summer 25 (not sure yet). We offer a number of seminars in Winter and Summer, relating to Intelligent Systems. Topics include a machine learning competition on Kaggle, a seminar on...

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Recent Advances in Machine Learning [Lecture & Lab]

We co-teach in Prof. Möller's course "Recent Advances in Machine Learning". We offer a lecture and project on Siamese Neural Networks.

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Cutting Edge Research [Lecture & Project]

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Scientific Writing (Block Lecture)

We co-teach the Scientific Writing lecture, together with Prof. Andreas Kolb and Prof. Malte Lochau in March during a 3-day block lecture. Unisono: 43CGM1140V

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Past Modules

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