The results of the comparison of 10 open-source bibliographic reference parsers

Machine Learning vs. Rules and Out-of-the-Box vs. Retrained: An Evaluation of Open-Source Bibliographic Reference and Citation Parsers

Our paper “Machine Learning vs. Rules and Out-of-the-Box vs. Retrained: An Evaluation of Open-Source Bibliographic Reference and Citation Parsers” got recently accepted and will be presented at Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2018. Abstract: Bibliographic reference parsing refers to extracting Read more…

Marie Curie Fellowship in Machine Learning etc.

Call for Marie Curie Individual Fellowships: We are open to supervise projects relating to recommender-systems, machine learning, and NLP here at TCD Dublin

The European Union has published the call for Individual Marie Curie Fellowships (MSCA) with the application deadline being 12 September 2018. The goal of the Individual Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers. Our group has already one Read more…

'recommender systems ireland' Google results

Our website ranks #1 for ‘recommender systems ireland’ and ‘recommender systems dublin’ on Google (in Ireland)

We started working at Trinity College Dublin 1.5 years ago and launched our new website only 2 months ago. Yet, Google ranks our website #1 for the search queries ‘recommender systems ireland‘ and ‘recommender systems dublin‘ and, not surprisingly, for the variations ‘ireland recommender systems‘ and ‘dublin Read more…

Homepage of the Working Group of Prof Dr Joeran Beel (Machine Learning and Recommender Systems

Our new website is live!

Today, we launched our new website It provides lots of information about our research, publications, projects, and teaching relating to recommender systems, machine learning and more. The new website also combines the blog posts of our project websites Mr. DLib Read more…

Results of the Machine-Learning Survey at TCD Dublin: Machine-Learning-Library Experience (scikit-learn)

Experience with and Preference of Machine-Learning Libraries: scikit-learn vs. Tensorflow vs. Weka … [What Machine-Learning Students Think/Like/Know/Are …]

This is another post in our series What Machine-Learning Students Think/Like/Know/Are …, which we began during teaching our Machine-Learning module at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Today, we present the machine-learning students’ experience and preferences of machine-learning libraries such as scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Read more…