26th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, hosted by Trinity College Dublin

26th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, hosted by Trinity College Dublin

We are delighted to announce the 26th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS’2018), which we will co-organize together with Rob BrennanRuth Byrne, Jeremy Debattista, and a renowned program committee.

AICS 2018 takes place from December 6 to 7, 2018 at Trinity College Dublin, more precisely in the Long Room Hub. Deadline for submissions is 30th September 2018. There will be three tracks for submissions, namely full papers, NECTAR Papers, and student papers. The call for papers invites papers relating particularly to machine learning, machine translation, neural networks, data mining, cognitive modelling, behaviour epistemology, evolutionary computation, recommender systems, collective intelligence, human learning, and several more. AICS 2018 is sponsored by the ADAPT Research Centre, Trinity Long Room Hub, and Trinity College Dublin.

AICS dates back to 1988 and is Ireland’s premier forum for researchers who are interested in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cognitive Science. While once a niche area, the fields of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence, which encompass Data Analytics, Information Retrieval, and Machine Learning, are now at the forefront of Irish computing research and industry.


Long-Room-Hub at Trinity College Dublin, the venue for the 26th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

Joeran Beel

Please visit https://isg.beel.org/people/joeran-beel/ for more details about me.


Martina Naughton · 15th August 2018 at 10:38

Is this conference open to the public and if so, where can I sign up to attend?

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