The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) organizes the “Postdoctoral Researchers’ Networking AI Tour” 2018 to offer on-site visits to universities, research institutes and companies in the field of artificial intelligence, discussions with experts and numerous networking opportunities. Programme-related costs and a travel allowance are covered by DAAD.

DAAD Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Tour Through Germany 2018

Website of the DAAD Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Tour Through Germany 2018

We have cooperated and received funding from the DAAD on numerous occasions, e.g. to participate in conferences, receive interns, or conduct research visits abroad e.g. in Cyprus and Tokyo. We were always pleased by the professional organization of DAAD events and great networking opportunities that DAAD offered. As such, we can highly recommend applying for the DAAD Artificial Intelligence Tour through Germany, if you are a postdoc from outside Germany who considers working and living in Germany for a while.

For more information, visit the DAAD website The application deadline is mid of July 2018, the tour in September.

Joeran Beel

Please visit for more details about me.


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