From 19 to 23 October 2020, the CIKM conference will take place in Galway, Ireland, and the call for papers has just been released. The Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) is a key event for the international academic, business and government communities to discuss research on information retrieval, data science, and knowledge management. CIKM is uniquely situated to highlight technologies and insights that materialize the big data and artificial intelligence vision of the future.
As a member of the Senior Programme Committee, I am particularly looking forward to submissions in the field of recommender systems and automated machine learning, but, of course, the scope of the conference is much broader (see below).
Research aside, Galway is a beautiful city and perfect starting point to explore Ireland’s amazing West Coast with the Cliffs of Moher, the Burren, Aran Islands, and, my personal favorite, Connemara National Park. To get a taste, have a look at the photos below:

Topics of Interest
CIKM encourages submissions of high-quality research papers on all topics in the general areas of artificial intelligence, databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Data and information acquisition and preprocessing (e.g., data crawling, data quality, data privacy, mitigating biases, and data wrangling)
- Integration and aggregation (e.g., semantic processing, data provenance, data linkage, data fusion, (knowledge) graphs, data warehousing, privacy and security, modelling, information credibility)
- Efficient data processing (e.g., serverless, data-intensive computing, database systems, indexing and compression, architectures, distributed data systems, dataspaces, customised hardware)
- Analytics and machine learning (e.g., OLAP, data mining, machine learning and AI, scalable analysis algorithms, algorithmic biases, event detection and tracking, understanding, and interpretability)
- Neural Information and knowledge processing (e.g. graph neural networks, domain adaptation, transfer learning, network architectures, neural ranking, neural recommendation, and neural prediction)
- Information access and retrieval (e.g., facets and entities, web search, question answering, and dialogue systems, retrieval models, query processing, personalization, recommender and filtering systems)
- Special data processing (e.g., multilingual text, sequential, stream, spatio-temporal, (knowledge) graph, multimedia, scientific, and social media data)
- Understanding multi-modal content (e.g., natural language processing, speech recognition, computer vision, content understanding, knowledge extraction, knowledge graphs, and knowledge representations)
- Data presentation (e.g., visualization, summarization, readability, understandability, transparency, VR, speech input and output)
Important Dates
Full and Short Paper Abstract Submission Deadline: April 24, 2020
Full and Short Paper Submission Deadline: May 1, 2020
Full and Short Paper Acceptance Notification: July 3, 2020
Full and Short Research Paper Camera Ready Submission Deadline: August 14, 2020
Demo and Poster Paper Submission Deadline: June 10, 2020
Demo and Poster Paper Acceptance Notification: July 24, 2020
Demo and Poster Paper Camera Ready Submission Deadline: August 14, 2020
All the above deadlines are Anywhere on Earth time

CIKM 2020 PC Chairs
Full Paper Track:
Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, Université de Fribourg, CH
Edward Curry, NUI Galway, IE
Claudia Hauff, TU Delft, NL
Short Paper Track:
Sourav S Bhowmick, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Yanyan Lan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Zhiyuan Liu, Tsinghua University, China
More details: