After being appointed as a visiting professor at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) a few weeks ago, there is more good news. The NII has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the School of Computer Science and Statistics (SCSS) of Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and the ADAPT Research Centre. The MoU originates from our long-term collaboration with the NII and outlines a partnership between TCD/SCSS/ADAPT and the NII. The goal of the partnership is to:

  1. Engage in joint efforts in research
  2. Work together in the area of institute management
  3. Exchange administrative and managerial staff
  4. Collaborate with industry and agencies for public administration and public services
  5. Exchange of research and academic staff and students
National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan (Research on Recommender Systems, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing)

National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan

We begin the collaboration with two projects.

First, PhD students from the School of Computer Science and ADAPT will be able to apply twice a year for fully funded internships at the NII for up to six months. NII contributes a monthly living allowance of 171,000 JPY, and SCSS contributes a €1,000 travel award to every successful SCSS applicant. The internships will be awarded as part of the new Earrach Sakura Award, which we established as part of the MoU. The name of the award originates from the Gaelic word ‘earrach’ (eng. ‘spring’) and the Japanese word ‘sakura’ (eng. ‘cherry blossom’). The award aims at stimulating and flourishing the awardees’ careers as well as the relationship between the Irish and Japanese supervisors.

Webpage of the Earrach Sakura Award

Webpage of the Earrach Sakura Award

Second, Professor Akiko Aizawa (NII) and my team will work together on projects relating to recommender systems and machine learning in the context of information extraction from academic documents, math retrieval, and virtual citation proximity. Lots of the research will be incorporated into and evaluated with our recommender-system as-a-service Mr. DLib.

Prof Henri Angelino (NII) and Prof Joeran Beel (TCD Dublin, Ireland) MoU Visit (Joint Recommender Systems Project)

Dublin, March 2018: Prof. Henri Angelino (right) from the NII visits Asst. Prof. Joeran Beel (left) from TCD/SCSS/ADAPT to discuss the MoU and the first projects (the Earrach Sakura award and a joint recommender-system and machine-learning project).

The MoU was signed by Professor Masaru Kitsuregawa (Director General, NII), Professor Akiko Aizawa (Deputy Director General, NII), Professor Ichiro Satoh (Deputy Director General, NII), Professor Juliette Hussey (Vice President for Global Relations, TCD), Professor Carol O’Sullivan (Head of School, SCSS/TCD) and Professor Vincent Wade (Head of ADAPT). We are also grateful for the support received by Professor Henri Angelino (Acting Director of Global Liaison Office, NII), Prof. Emmanuel Planas (New Acting Director of Global Liaison Office, NII), Professor Declan O’Sullivan (Director of Research, SCSS), Professor Owen Conlan (Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning, SCSS), Rie Ayuzawa (International Partnerships Manager, NII), Emi Yazawa (International Partnerships Manager, NII) and last, but not least, Niamh Burke (International Partnerships Manager, TCD). 

Trinity College Dublin in Spring (Home of our Recommender-Systems and Machine Learning Research)

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland


Joeran Beel

Please visit for more details about me.


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