We are pleased to announce that Colin Daly is joining our core group of researchers. Colin is a part-time researcher and will work towards a Ph.D. over a six-year period. Colin has a BSc from University College Cork, an MBA, and MSc from the Open University, a Higher Diploma from the University of Stirling and a Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics from Trinity College Dublin.

Colin Daly, PhD Student in Information Retrieval and Meta-Learning.
Colin Daly, Ph.D. Student in our Group and Senior Linux Admin at TCD

Moreover, Colin has over 25 years of experience working with big techs such as Sun Microsystems, Oracle, Siemens, Dell, and Vodafone. He is currently employed as the Senior Linux admin here at IT Services, TCD.

Colin’s research interests are in the fields of Information Retrieval and Enterprise Search. His Ph.D. topic focuses on longitudinal challenges of automating crawling, indexing and tuning on the Apache Nutch and Lucene Solr platforms.

Joeran Beel

Please visit https://isg.beel.org/people/joeran-beel/ for more details about me.


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