A First Analysis of Meta-Learned Per-Instance Algorithm Selection in Scholarly Recommender Systems

We were accepted for publication at ComplexRec 2019, the third workshop on Recommendation in Complex Scenarios at the 13th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (RecSys 2019) in Copenhagan, Denmark. Abstract. effectiveness of recommender system algorithms varies in different real-world scenarios. It is difficult to choose a best algorithm for a scenario Read more…

Click-through rate (CTR) and # of delivered recommendation in JabRef for Mr. DLib’s (MDL) and CORE’s recommendation engine and in total

Mr. DLib’s Living Lab for Scholarly Recommendations (preprint)

We published a manuscript on arXiv about the first living lab for scholarly recommender systems. This lab allows recommender-system researchers to conduct online evaluations of their novel algorithms for scholarly recommendations, i.e., research papers, citations, conferences, research grants etc. Recommendations are delivered through the living lab´s API in platforms such Read more…