citation proximity analysis (CPA) illustration

Virtual Citation Proximity (VCP): Calculating Co-Citation-Proximity-Based Document Relatedness for Uncited Documents with Machine Learning (preprint)

We published a proposal on ResearchGate (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18759.39842) for a novel approach to the calculate relatedness of research articles and other document types. The relatedness of research articles, patents, legal documents, web pages, and other documents is often calculated with citation Read more…

Results of Machine-Learning Student Survey: Career Paths (Machine-Learning Engineer vs. Data Scientist vs Software Engineer vs. ...) (TCD Dublin, Ireland)

Career Choices: Machine-Learning Engineer vs. Software Engineer vs. Product Manager … [What Machine-Learning Students Think/Like/Know/Are …]

The top careers for the machine-learning students were machine-learning engineer (16%), software engineer (16%), business start-up founder (14%), and data scientist (13%). However, also careers in project management (10%), research (9%) and consultancy (8%) were interesting to some students. “Business Read more…

Mr. DLib v1.1 released: JavaScript Client, 15 million CORE documents, new URL for recommendations-as-a-service via title search

We are proud to announce version 1.1 of Mr. DLib’s Recommender-System as-a-Service. The major new features are: A JavaScript Client to request recommendations from Mr. DLib. The JavaScript offers many advantages compared to a server-side processing of our recommendations. Among others, the main Read more…

Paper accepted at ISI conference in Berlin: “Stereotype and Most-Popular Recommendations in the Digital Library Sowiport”

Our paper titled “Stereotype and Most-Popular Recommendations in the Digital Library Sowiport” is accepted for publication at the 15th International Symposium on Information Science (ISI) in Berlin. Abstract: Stereotype and most-popular recommendations are widely neglected in the research-paper recommender-system and digital-library Read more…