UPDATE: We will soon advertise another position for this start-up. Please come back in a few days.
The School of Computer Science and Statistics of Trinity College Dublin and the ADAPT Centre received funding to hire 2 employees for 2 years* to spin-out a business start-up in the field of recommender-systems as-a-service and machine learning in Dublin. The two positions are to be filled with one machine-learning engineer and one software architect/product manager, whereas both employees are expected to work together very closely. They will be responsible for developing a recommender-system as-a-service that uses a unique technology, based on the research of Prof Dr Joeran Beel who will be the project lead (read here for a brief outline of the idea). The new project will be based on the existing prototype Mr DLib. However, the current recommender system prototype is supposed to be re-designed, re-implemented, and extended with various features, mostly relating to enhanced machine-learning algorithms. The goal for the two-year period is to develop a market-ready recommender system prototype, acquire around 10 more pilot partners, and spin-out a start-up company at the end of the two years.
The software architect/product manager will be responsible for the technical design of the system and ensuring high code quality. This includes designing a RESTful API/Webservice, tools to import data from various partners and design a cloud infrastructure to store Terra bytes of data and manage the delivery of hundreds of millions of recommendations per month. It is anticipated that the implementation will be mostly to be done with the software engineer and students participating in the project. In addition, other aspects, such as ensuring data privacy will play an important role. The product owner’s responsibility will also include acquiring new pilot partners and ensuring the smooth integration of the recommendations-as-a-service into the partners’ platforms. The product manager is also expected to write the business plan and take, in the long run, the role of the CEO or CTO.
The primary role of the software engineer will be to develop and maintain the recommender system and support the product manager in designing it. This includes identifying suitable machine-learning and recommendation frameworks, designing the database schema, writing code and setting up (cloud) servers. However, additional tasks such as student supervision may be conducted by the software engineer. In general, as the project progresses, the tasks and responsibilities listed may be expanded and shared between the product manager and software engineer. The product manager and software engineer will be expected to work as a team and both are responsible for the project success.
The two employees to be hired are expected to be the founders of the start-up company, together with Joeran Beel. Salaries for both positions are between €47,676 and €56,021 per annum, and all founders of the start-up shall receive equity after the spin-out.
The detailed job descriptions can be found on the job portal of TCD.
If you have any questions feel free to informally contact joeran.beel [AT] scss.tcd. ie. The application deadline for the jobs is 23 30 March 2018 and applications must be submitted through the job portal of TCD.
* The contract will initially be for 1 year, and when certain milestones are met, the funding for a second year is granted.
Aniruddha · 30th March 2018 at 23:42
I can’t find the job posting on the TCD job portal
Gianfranco Palumbo · 18th March 2018 at 11:33
FYI the Software Engineer role requires:
– Excellent knowledge in Java, Python, MySQL, and Linux