Laura Tierney, Meta-Learning Algorithm Performance Modelling and Machine Learning
Laura Tierney, Student of Mathematics at Trinity College Dublin

Laura Tierney joins our group for the next couple of months. Laura is a 4th-year undergraduate student of Mathematics at Trinity College Dublin. She has experience working as a Data Analyst intern and as a Data Quality intern with the Adapt Centre in DCU. After college, she hopes to get a graduate program in the field of Data Analytics and later pursue further study to become a Data Scientist. During her internships, Laura became interested in machine learning, web analytics, and big data and wants to complete a final year project in machine learning to enhance her understanding of these topics.

Laura’s final year project will focus on identifying when machine learning algorithms for recommendation systems perform similarly for given data instances. Her goal is to build an algorithm-performance model and cluster data instances to try identifying what it means for algorithms to perform similarly. This analysis will then be used to gain insight and be used for meta-learning and algorithm selection.

Joeran Beel

Please visit for more details about me.


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