Prof. Beel at ‘Schloss Dagstuhl’ seminar 23031 ‘Frontiers of Information Access Experimentation for Research and Education’

Update 2023-05: The report is now available on Prof. Beel was invited to attend the Dagstuhl seminar about ‘Frontiers of Information Access Experimentation for Research and Education‘. The seminar took place from January 15 to January 20, 2023 in Schloss Dagstuhl, and was organized by Christine Bauer (Utrecht University, Read more…

Upcoming Breakfast Seminar for Potential Postdoctoral ELITE-S Applicants (Standardization in ML, AI, and RecSys)

The ELITE-S initiative organizes a breakfast seminar to bring together potential applicants and supervisors. Every postdoctoral researcher, who is interested in standardization in the field of recommender systems, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, is sincerely invited to join the breakfast. During the seminar, you will learn more about the 2-year Read more…

Seminar on Academic Search Engine Optimization

Have you heard of ‘academic search engine optimization’? If not, you maybe should attend our seminar ‘Academic Search Engine Optimisation (ASEO): Suchmaschinenoptimierung in der Wissenschaft‘ (in German). The seminar is based on our publication Academic Search Engine Optimization (ASEO): Optimizing Scholarly Literature for Google Scholar and Co. in which we defined academic search engine optimization as

“the creation, publication, and modification of scholarly literature in a way that makes it easier for academic search engines to both crawl it and index it”

We believe that ASEO should be an important part of your publishing process because it helps significantly to increase the visibility of your work in the academic community. When we published our article back in 2010 virtually no one even thought about that topic (as far as i know we were the first ones writing about search engine optimization for academic articles). Meanwhile, the idea of ASEO became more popular and several institutions adopted the guidelines from our paper (e.g. SAGE, Wiley, and York University) and, as covered in the seminar, the experience from the past years clearly shows the benefits of ASEO techniques.
