I spent the past two weeks at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo, where I am a visiting professor. As always, being in Tokyo was a great experience both on a personal and a professional level.
NII is an amazing meeting place for national and international researchers. I gave a presentation on Virtual Citation Proximity in the lab of Prof. Akiko Aizawa; met with Prof. Emmanuel Planas to discuss details of the DAAD IFI program, and I met with Prof. Yi Yu who will soon welcome a Ph.D. student from Trinity College Dublin as part of the NII-TCD Student Exchange Programme. In addition, I could enjoy discussions with Prof. Adam Jatowt from the Department of Social Informatics at Kyoto University and Prof. Chifumi Nishioka from the Library, Research and Development Laboratory also at Kyoto University. Last, but not least, I shared an office with Prof. Wolf Tilo Balke (University of Braunschweig) and Prof. Florian Boudin (University of Nantes).
I can only highly recommend visiting Japan, and fortunately, Japan has many programs to support international researchers such as the JSPS program, and the NII has the internship program for selected partner universities.