Docear´s Recommender System (Dublin)

Docear Website

Currently, all of Docear’s online services are down, including the recommender system. This means, you cannot register, log-in to download backups, or receive recommendations. As we have no time right now for the development of Docear, we are afraid that we won’t be able to fix this problem anytime soon. However, we adjusted the current version of Docear (v1.2) to dynamically deal with this situation. This means, as long as the services are down, the recommendation button is not shown and the registration dialog is not shown when installing Docear for the first time. As soon as the services are up again, all the buttons etc. are automatically shown again.

Update 2017-07-20: Probably, we will not activate the current recommender system again but hopefully integrate Mr. DLib, which is a recommender system as a service.

Update 2017-08-24: Please note that for the foreseeable future we will not continue the development of Docear as we have not enough funding and time.

Joeran Beel

Please visit for more details about me.


Koray Benli · 2nd October 2020 at 17:01

Hi Jorean! I used Docear for my master’s thesis literature review, and loved it back then. Now I am confused about using it for my PhD dissertation research since I sadly learned you guys stopped developing this wonderful tool. My question is that the latest version of Docear can still be used for reference management and most importantly for mind mapping with highlighted annotations from pdfs? Hope, you resume working on Docear in future.

Bjorn · 29th December 2019 at 16:46


Why did you guys stop working on such an amazing tool? I am sure there are many opensource contributors that’d like to take it over.

It’s the best tool for writing papers, and doing research… I am now using zotero but that’s not the same.

Please consider taking it back into development, or give the project to someone who actually gives a fuck

    Joeran Beel · 29th December 2019 at 17:15

    if you know someone who would like to “take over”, please let me know.

Gerardo Lisboa · 18th September 2019 at 08:50

You should contact FLOSS Weekly for an interview to ask for contributions and donations.
I has helped other Open Source projects in the past.

Matheus · 1st April 2018 at 06:30

Please publish code at Github.

tagMacher · 19th January 2018 at 13:59

Is this last version of docear good enough to start on a thesis? Please advise.

nickan · 4th November 2017 at 12:43

In 4 past years I used Qiqqa in Windows for my PhD thesis. I think Qiqqa is a very nice system for reference management, But after I migrated to linux because there is not linux version for Qiqqa, I spent many times to find a good reference management system. Now I appreciate for this great job. I decide to use Docear+Zotero for writing my thesis. I would like this nice and useful project continue and Continue and CONTINUE.

Nicolas · 21st September 2017 at 02:18

I have just found Docear and I have no words to describe how important and interesting this tool is, not just for me but for the academic world. I wish I could apply to some of your Ph.D. programmes or jobs, but unfortunately I am no programmer and do not have the skills required.

Thanks for this innovation and dedication. This is what the community really needs
I hope you get the funding ASAP!

uncle xu · 23rd April 2017 at 06:59

i like docear, fighting! 🙂

Elena · 29th March 2017 at 22:05

sorry to ask here but didn’t find the proper place: Docear’s Real Highlights function (importing automatically highlighted text from PDF (using PDF X-Change Viewer)) is still not working? It is crucial to whom has to read 200+ article, take annotations and write a draft. How can I solve the problem? Is there a different approach than do it manually? Thanks for the help, much appreciated.
Good job, thanks for the best software in the field.

Xiaodong Qi · 5th March 2017 at 21:27

Will the upcoming 1.2 version include the latest JabRef? I appreciate your efforts on this project.

Samuel Hollis · 5th February 2017 at 21:32

Should I start using Docear? It’s future doesn’t look too bright.

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