We are glad to announce that JabRef – one of the most popular open-source reference manager – will soon be using Mr. DLib´s recommender system to provide article recommendations to its users. The team of Mr. DLib and JabRef had several Skype calls, and we finally agreed about a concept how to integrate Mr. DLib into JabRef.

In a first version, we will integrate a related-article recommendation function that will look like this:

Recommender Systems Dublin

Recommender System in JabRef

In the long run, we want to provide personalized and user-specific recommendations that could look like this:

Mockup for JabRef receiving personalized recommendations (as a service) from Mr. DLib

Mockup for JabRef receiving personalized recommendations (as a service) from Mr. DLib

More details will follow soon.

Joeran Beel

Please visit https://isg.beel.org/people/joeran-beel/ for more details about me.


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