Docear 1.2 Beta is now available and has two major improvements:

  1. A new add-on to import any kind of highlighted text from PDFs
    This new add-on is a true milestone in the Docear development. Until now, you could only import highlighted text from PDF editors that copied the highlighted text into a pop-up annotation. The new add-on imports the text that was actually highlighted. This means, you should be able to highlight text with basically any PDF editor on any device and as long as the PDF editor uses the standard Adobe PDF format, Docear should be able to import the highlighted text quite reliably. However, there is one downside: the add-on is not directly integrated in Docear, and it will neither be open-source nor free, at least not in the long run. The reason is simple – we currently don’t have any major funding, and to pay for servers and students, we thought about how to generate some income. The solution we came up with, are some “premium” services and add-ons. This means, Docear as you know it will always be open source and free, and you will always be able to nicely manage your literature with it. However, for some functions that only some users might need – such as importing the actually highlighted text instead of pop-up annotations – we will offer additional add-ons, and charge for the add-ons.
  2. Various improvements in the PDF Metadata retrieval function for Google Scholar.
    If you had some problems in the previous Docear versions with retrieving metadata from Google Scholar, try the new Docear 1.2 Beta and let us know if the retrieval works now. If it does not, enable our new extended logging and send us the log files

    google scholar extended logging

    Enable the extended logging


Download: To try Docear 1.2 Beta, please download the All OS version  or Windows Setup.



Joeran Beel

Please visit for more details about me.


allla · 20th November 2015 at 15:45

Nice new version!! I had problems with former versions, but that new one is working perfectly here (in a corporative PC)!! I am very glad the PDF-metadata-automatically-picking from Google is working now.
thanks so much!!

sven-19 · 12th November 2015 at 13:55

Hi, curious to deploy the new beta and the add-on.
a) how to install the beta? Need ideally an app-file for Mac
b) where to buy add-on or (as a long-term supporter) proof my previous donations to get the add-on for free?
c) how to get the add-on running (or will I get a new app-file with it integrated)


riadhbennessib · 7th November 2015 at 09:53

Hi every one 😉
Nice to hear about you and DOCEAR.
I’ll re see Docear 1.2 wthis week.


Almost every day user of DOCEAR.

jens · 6th November 2015 at 14:17

Hello, how can I get the new beta version to run? I am a total newbie and was looking for an “.app” file or alike to use it on mac. Not sure what I am supposed to do with the .sh-file?

NormanS · 7th September 2015 at 12:12

Many thanks for that!

I will try it next week in the preparation of my next presentation.

Greetings from Dresden

Fabian · 1st September 2015 at 10:16

Hi there,

importing references still does not work for me.
However, in the extended log I do find the metadata, including abstract and everything… So I guess its a problem on the docear side.
adding to the other comment: where do I send the log file?

below is an cutout from the (really extensive 🙂 log including the metadata


[PDF] from [PDF]Dual?Color STED Microscopy at 30?nm Focal?Plane ResolutionL Meyer, D Wildanger, R Medda, A Punge, SO Rizzoli… – Small, 2008 – Wiley Online LibraryOwing to its sensitivity and noninvasiveness, far-field ffuorescence microscopy would be almost ideal for biological imaging if the resolution of its established variants were not limited by diffraction to Dr! l= ?2n ? sina?, with ? denoting the wavelength of light, n the …Cited by 90 Related articles All 9 versions <a href="

    Fabian · 1st September 2015 at 15:50

    actually, the data in the log seems to have been the XMP metadata stored in the PDF.

    However, I noticed that the automatic fetching of the reference works fine with publications from ‘Springer’ publishing group. Just not with anything else…

kartoffelsalat · 31st August 2015 at 10:58

I’m very happy to see progress in Docears development, especially I need the bugfix for the metadata search.

But, unfortunately, this beta version does not work at all for me. I’m using a Mac (OS X, 10.7.5) and downloaded the zip-file. Starting docear via the command line with


gives me (after some other output), the following error and nothing happens therafter:

Aug 31, 2015 11:50:22 AM org.freeplane.core.util.LogUtils info
INFORMATION: language resources for de found
Uncaught error fetching image:
at sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.getDecoder(
at sun.awt.image.URLImageSource.getDecoder(
at sun.awt.image.InputStreamImageSource.doFetch(
at sun.awt.image.ImageFetcher.fetchloop(

I’d be glad to help out, so if there is anything I could try to get it working, please tell me.
By, the way, it starts perfectly under Fedora 21 (but the metadata retrieval does not work for me – should I send you the extended logging output to


    Henner · 22nd December 2015 at 15:16

    Hi Kartoffelsalat,

    did you get it to work: have the same issue with EI Capitan and Java 1.8.



daniel · 20th August 2015 at 15:50

Thanks for your update, it’s a very perfect tool to read literature and write paper. I have a problem in export map to a letax documents. the export tex documents really confused me. if I marked a sequense number in the map and when I export it, it shows that two repeated number.

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