The ACM RecSys 2023 Doctoral Symposium Chairs accepted the extended abstracts that Tobias Vente and Lukas Wegmeth submitted. Abstracts will be presented by their authors and discussed with the chairs and other students at the conference.

The extended abstract was limited to eight pages, and an unusually high amount of submissions led to an acceptance rate of 15/20, unexpectedly bringing the program to its capacity. Tobias Vente submitted his abstract titled “Advancing Automation of Design Decisions in Recommender System Pipelines“. Lukas Wegmeth submitted his abstract titled “Improving Recommender Systems Through the Automation of Design Decisions”. Both abstracts detail how AutoRecSys will further push the efficiency and effectiveness of recommender systems. Then each of them goes in-depth into specific research goals revolving around the Algorithm Selection Problem and Hyperparameter Optimization. They will be published in the conference proceedings once the conference has concluded.

This image shows Tobias Vente and Lukas Wegmeth at this year’s ACM RecSys Summer School in June, where they met many familiar people from the recommender systems community and got many new insights from various recommender systems sub-fields. The summer school was held in Copenhagen just in time after the Doctoral Symposium deadline.

The ACM Conference Series on Recommender Systems is a premier venue for recommender systems researchers. Academia and industry professionals from all over the world will visit this year’s edition to present and discuss the latest breakthroughs in recommender systems. This year the conference will be held at the Suntec Convention Centre in Singapore.

We want to thank the Doctoral Symposium Chairs, Cataldo Musto, Xiangnan He, and Christine Bauer, for this fantastic opportunity to get feedback on our Ph.D. goals from so many talented professionals.


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