The ADAPT Centre at Trinity College Dublin has received funding to hire two start-up founders to spin-out the business start-up Darwin & Goliath in the field of recommendations-as-a-service. While we successfully hired a future CTO, we are still seeking to hire a Commercial lead and potential future CEO for Darwin & Goliath.

The currently advertised position is to be filled with a highly self-driven and motivated business developer who will be the commercial lead for the startup and potentially the future CEO of the business when it spins out of the university. The person is expected to work together very closely with the Principal Investigator Prof. Joeran Beel and the recently hired CTO. Both the commercial lead and CTO will be responsible for developing and marketing a recommender-system as-a-service that uses unique machine-learning technology, which is based on the research of Professor Joeran Beel. There is currently a prototype of the system, which delivers around 1 million recommendations per month to several pilot partners.

Start-Up Founder, Darwin & Goliath, Recommendations As a Service

The primary task of the commercial lead will be to ensure the business success of the future start-up. This includes working closely with the CTO to shape the product vision and business model, create a marketing strategy, write a business plan, acquire further pilot partners, and ensuring the follow-up funding e.g. through venture capital by the end of the 12 months. Additional tasks such as business administration (e.g. accounting) may be conducted, too. In general, as the project progresses, the tasks and responsibilities listed may be expanded and shared between the two roles. Both employees will be expected to work as a team and both are responsible for the project’s success.

It is expected that the two hired persons become co-founders of the business-start up after twelve months and that they receive equity in the company. The salary per annum for approximately 12 months will be between €48,153 and €56,581.

The application deadline is the 20th of March 2020, noon. For more details and to apply for the position visit

Joeran Beel

Please visit for more details about me.


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