AMIR 2019 — The 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Algorithm Selection and Meta-Learning in Information Retrieval — is over, and it was a full success. We had many interesting presentations and around 20 attendees. The following photos give some impressions.
Pre-Workshop Dinner (and “Kölsch”) in the restaurant “Früh Brauhaus Keller”, Cologne Welcome Presentation, 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Algorithm Selection and Meta-Learning in Information Retrieval (AMIR) “Automated Algorithm Selection: Predict which algorithm to use!”, Keynote by Marius Lindauer “Algorithm selection with librec-auto” by Masoud Mansoury Break Time “Investigating Ad-Hoc Retrieval Method Selection with Features Inspired by IR Axioms” by Siddhant Arora “Augmenting the Corpus for Meta-Learning” by Gordian Edenhofer, “Hands-on Session with ASlib” by Lars Kotthoff “Hands-On Automated Machine Learning Tools: Auto-Sklearn and Auto-PyTorch” by Marius Lindauer