As in previous years, Trinity College Dublin has up to 10 scholarships to award for PhD positions as part of the China Scholarship Council – Trinity College Dublin Joint Scholarship Programme. Each scholarship will include a full fee-waiver from Trinity, and a stipend for living costs (currently €1,200 per month), airfare and health insurance, provided by the CSC, this does not include bench fees.
Applicants must be Chinese nationals but can be registered on Masters programmes either within China or at an overseas institution (including Trinity). To be eligible for the scheme, students should have received an unconditional offer letter for their PhD position at Trinity College Dublin. Conditional offers letters may be accepted but only subject to meeting academic requirements, (students must have met the English language requirement prior to application). The offer letter must note that the fee-waiver is dependent upon the student successfully receiving the final award from the CSC.

PhD scholarship for Chinese nationals to study at Trinity College Dublin (e.g. machine learning and recommender systems research)
We would be happy to supervise and prospective PhD student who is interested in doing research relating to machine learning and/or recommender systems. For more details, please read here and contact us if you are interested in having us supervising your PhD studies.
Also, I will be in China (Beijing) probably around February 2019 for a few weeks and I would be happy to meet if interested applicants are in Beijing.