TCD Dublin Junior Sports Leadership (Prof Beel, Machine Learning and Recommender Systems Group)

TCD Dublin Junior Sports Leadership Website

Trinty College Dublin has the perfect solution for young people aged 16-18 who want to stay busy for the summer.

Trinity Sport has opened applications for the Junior Sports Leadership Programme 2018. The programme is open to anyone aged 16-18 who wish to broaden their knowledge of sport and coaching.

The programme is an excellent learning opportunity, while also providing practical coaching experience. It is open to family members of students and staff, as well as members of the public. There are three phases to the programme:

  • Phase 1 – A one week, 20-hour module in coaching and leadership skills
  • Phase 2 – Undertaking 2 weeks voluntary coaching and leadership on our children’s sports camps this summer
  • Phase 3 – Completion of a log book of coaching hours performed during phase 2

There was an overwhelming response to last year’s courses so please apply early so we can facilitate all interested budding sports leaders.

All applicants should have an interest in sport and fitness and the closing date for applications is Friday 21st April 2018 at 5pm.

Please find further details on our website

Joeran Beel

Please visit for more details about me.

1 Comment

Eoin Kelly · 23rd April 2018 at 22:58

I am emailing on behalf of my son who has just noticed he has missed the deadline for application on your sports coaching programme. I am just inquiring if you would still accept his application albeit it few days late?

Regards Eileen Kelly

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