Since March, Docear offers a simple web-based mind map viewer, developed with some of our volunteering students, and supported by the Freeplane team. On next Friday, July 12th, at 10:30am the students will present their final work at the HTW in Berlin. You are sincerely invited to join the presentation and be first to see Docear’s new collaboration and synchronization feature. The work is not yet ready to be released to the public but we hope to completely finish the work in the next few months. However, even the preview is really amazing! Compared to the current online viewer the new “Docear Web” offers lots of features. First of all, you can edit your mind maps online and not only on your own but together with your colleagues. The collaboration works both with your local desktop Docear and with your web-based Docear. That means, you can just start Docear Desktop as you are used to and colleagues of you may work on the same mind maps you are editing either on the Web or with Docear Desktop as well. Collaboration is in real-time, similarly to Google Docs. In addition, there is a Dropbox-like utility that synchronizes all your data between different devices (and the Web). As said, not everything is already fully functional but the preview version has at least all the basic features and gives you a very good idea what to expect for the final version.

The presentation of the new Docear Web will be given in conjunction with several other projects developed at HTW Berlin between 10:30am and 11:30. From around 12:30am till 16:00 there is an open fair where you can visit us on our boot where you can try Docear Web yourself.  For more details see the HTW website and Facebook web page (all in German). For the exact address and directions see here. Contact us if you have more questions.


Docear Web (preview)

Docear Web (preview)

Joeran Beel

Please visit for more details about me.


Anthony · 23rd June 2016 at 23:28

What happened to the web based version of Docear? Why can’t I access it in 2016?

Stipe · 4th October 2014 at 20:54

Dear developers,
are there any hopes that the collaboration tool will come soon? I am asking this because I really like your software and my research team is currently deciding which reference tool to use. Having an option to sync data and collaborate is very important. Thank you!

    Joeran [Docear] · 6th October 2014 at 08:16

    >>are there any hopes that the collaboration tool will come soon?

    that heavily depends on your definition of “soon” and what you mean by “collaboration” exactly ;-).

    i guess there is a chance that we offer some basic collaboration feature like dropbox in lets say the next half year, or at least within the next 12 months. some real collaboration features such as working on the same mind-maps at the same time will take at least 12 month.

    the reason for the delay is that we currently have many other things to do and the prototype of the students needs many more adjustments.

coop · 30th August 2014 at 06:58

Hei Jöran. Any prospects as to when this collaborative tool will be available? Thanks.

    Joeran [Docear] · 31st August 2014 at 12:54

    no sorry, and i am afraid will take quite bit more of time, since we are currently working on some other issues.

Literaturverwaltung kompakt 6/2013 | Literaturverwaltung · 2nd November 2013 at 13:32

[…] Erstellung von Mindmaps statt, an dessen Entwicklung Studierende maßgeblich beteiligt waren. Ein Hinweis im Produktblog informiert über die Präsentation der Masterstudierende und bringt das Tool gleichzeitig, das […]

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