Machine Learning Dublin Meetup: Presentations and Discussions about Machine Learning, NLP, Recommender Systems and Machine Translation in Dublin, Ireland.
The Machine Learning Meetup in Dublin, takes place on the last Monday every month. This month, the machine learning meetup is hosted by Dogpatch and there will be plenty of exciting presentations about machine learning:
- Marco Forte (PhD researcher, Sigmedia Group) speaks about foreground estimation in machine learning and motion estimation for video matting in machine learning including deep learning techniques to create more consistent and content-aware results.
- Procheta Sen (PhD researcher, ADAPT Centre) speaks about cross-session search and tempo-lexical context-driven machine-learned word embeddings.
- Elias Giacoumidis, (Marie-Curie Fellow, CONNECT) speaks about machine learning optical fiber telecommunications.
The next machine learning meetup takes place on 26th March at The Vaults – Dogpatch Labs CHQ Building, Custom House Quay, Dublin. Talks are from 18:30 to 19:55.