The following people are members of the Intelligent Systems Group. Click on a link to learn more about a person.
BEEL, Joeran (Head of Group)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joeran BeelProfessor of Intelligent Systems Students, please read here before contacting me Phone: +49 271 740-3593 (not for student inquiries)Email: joeran.<last-name>@uni-siegen.deOffice: H-C 8315Address: Office and postal address Table of Contents Toggle BioNewsShort CVPublications2025202420232022202120202019 and earlier Bio Joeran Beel is head of the Intelligent Systems Group at the University of Siegen. His research focuses...
LÜBKE, Lada (Secretary)
Lada LübkeSecretary Phone: +49 271 740-3305Email: isg-office [at] eti . uni-siegen.deOffice: H-A 4106/3Address: Office and postal address
SCHNEIDER, Matthias (Technical Staff)
Dr.-Ing. Matthias SchneiderTechnical Staff Phone: +49 271 740-3166Email: matthias.schneider@uni-siegen.deOffice: H-E 203Address: Office and postal address
RAUTMANN, Dagmar (Secretary)
Dagmar RautmannSecretary Phone: +49 271 - 740 3037Email: dagmar . rautmann[at] uni-siegen.deOffice: H-A 8111Address: Office and postal address
WEGMETH, Lukas (Scientific Staff)
Lukas WegmethPh.D. Student Phone: +49 271 740-2591Email: lukas.<last-name>@uni-siegen.deOffice: H-C 8318Address: Office and postal address Lukas Wegmeth is a Ph.D. Student of the Intelligent Systems Group at the University of Siegen. Before joining the ISG he completed his bachelor’s and master’s degree in Medical Computer Science at the University of Siegen. During his time as a graduate student, Lukas...
VENTE, Tobias (Scientific Staff)
Tobias VentePh.D. Student Phone: +49 271 740-4235Email: tobias.<last-name>@uni-siegen.deOffice: H-C 8318Address: Office and postal address Bio Tobias Vente is a Ph.D. Student of the Intelligent Systems Group at the University of Siegen. Before joining the ISG he completed his bachelor's - and master's degree at the University of Siegen. In addition, Tobias took part in the...
The following Bachelor and Master students, Ph.D. students, software engineers, Postdocs, and Professors worked with us, visited us, or were supervised by members of our group. Professors (Visiting) Prof. Georgia M. Kapitsaki (2013) Postdocs Mohammed Al-Rawi (2019-2021) Malhi Avleen (2019, Visiting) Dominika Tkaczyk (2017-2018) PhD Students Lennart Purucker Edward Bergman Colin Daly Miao Wei Shahad...