Docear partners with HTW Berlin and welcomes five new student-developers
There is amazing news – Docear cooperates with the HTW Berlin (Berlin’s university of applied sciences for technology and economy). We will supervise the Master’s projects of five students (Alexander, Florian, Julius, Michael, and Paul). Other than at most other universities, the student’s goal is not to do some theoretical work but gaining some real-world development experience– by joining Docear’s development team. That means, we roughly double our development power and we are not talking about a few weeks internship. We are talking about the next eight months working almost half-time, so there should really be some noteworthy results. We still have to discuss what exactly “The Five” will be doing but since all of them prefer web development and design, it will be definitely something web-based. Right now we are considering a simple web-version of Docear and a synchronization add-on to sync your files between different computers and the Web. Ideally, the add-on additionally allows you to work collaboratively on the same data with other Docear users.