Our Publication at the ECIR 2024: Revealing the Hidden Impact of Top-N Metrics on Optimization in Recommender Systems

Recently, we were delighted to learn that our paper “Revealing the Hidden Impact of Top-N Metrics on Optimization in Recommender Systems” was accepted for the “Full Paper” track at the ECIR 2024. The paper, co-authored by members of our chair, the Intelligent Systems Group, will be presented by one of Read more…

Screenshot of the Homepage of the 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Algorithm Selection and Meta-Learning in Information Retrieval (AMIR)

Accepted Workshop @ECIR2019: The 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Algorithm Selection and Meta-Learning in Information Retrieval (AMIR)

Our proposal for the “1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Algorithm Selection and Meta-Learning in Information Retrieval (AMIR)“, to be held at the  41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), was accepted. AMIR will take place on the 14th of April 2019 in Cologne, Germany. The algorithm selection problem describes the challenge Read more…

Screenshot of the Homepage of the 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Algorithm Selection and Meta-Learning in Information Retrieval (AMIR)

Proposal for the 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Algorithm Selection and Meta-Learning in Information Retrieval (AMIR)

Lars Kotthoff and I have applied to organize the 1st Interdisciplinary Workshop on Algorithm Selection and Meta-Learning in Information Retrieval (AMIR) at the 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR). Let’s cross fingers and hope it will get accepted. In the following, you find the proposal (also available on ResearchGate as PDF). Read more…